Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sugar sugar, aw honey honey...

Anything and everything with sugar in it is my vice. I love sweets in the morning  (croissants, muffins, pastries, donuts). I love sweets in the middle of the day (those cute little mini kit kats and yummy iced teas). But, I especially love sweets at night.

It's like the bewitching hour. Once the clock strikes whatever it strikes, I will eat any and everything in my way. All willpower is lost and I literally turn back into a pumpkin.

For example, today I didn't eat a proper dinner so I ended up eating a bunch of chocolate. Like always, I felt like shit afterwards. In reflecting on my gluttony, I tried to justify my sugar intake. I started by blaming grains and deciding I would cut them out of my diet first. Then I thought maybe I wasn't eating enough vegetables and too much fruit; so, I would start there.

But wait... Am I really solving anything by pushing the problem around?

The answer is hell no. I'm just avoiding the hard stuff, the inevitable! So, I'm going to do exactly what I don't want to. I'm going to grab this thing by the horns and cut out food products with added sugars over the next three days. 

If I can make it three days, I can keep going. And, if Britney can make it through 2007, I can make it three days.

Here's to facing my biggest challenges head on, I will not let sugar run my life.

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